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December 7, 2016

Norah is Here!!

Hey guys!!
I’m so excited!  She looks just like me or that’s what my mom says.  
I can’t believe I’m a big sister. 
Norah is so little.  My baby doll Susie is bigger than Norah.  I have to be very careful when I hold her because she’s so precious. 

See you soon!!

December 3, 2016

25 Days of Christmas

Hey guys!!
My Gigi started a Christmas tradition with me a few years ago.  She wraps books and I open one package each night.  I never know what I’m going to get.

I love Elena of Avalor!  

Day One!
  I love reading!  It’s one of my favorite things to do!  It’s exciting to open a present every night before Santa comes.  So far, I have more chapter books this year.  I’ll let you know which book is my favorite. 
Shopkins books!!  Yay!!

 What's your favorite book to read?

September 25, 2016

Scavenger Hunt At the Georgia Aquarium

Hey Guys!

My family and I took a trip the the Georgia Aquarium!  It was awesome!  My mom found this cool scavenger hunt online for me to do once I got there! 

I could barely focus on the hunt because the fish were so beautiful!  

We were also able to see two shows!  One with seals and the other with DOLPHINS!!  Can you believe it?? Dolphins!!!  I wanted to sit in the splash row but my family said  NO WAY!  It was still pretty cool to watch them do tricks!  I also learned some facts about different sea animals.  Did you know that a dolphin is not a fish but a mammal??  That blew my mind! 
I hope you get to take a trip to the aquarium one day.  You will have so much fun while learning something new!

Check out my video on Youtube for more awesome pictures!!
See you next time!

August 13, 2016

What is that???

Bugs, Bugs, Bugs

Hey Guys!

I finally used my Bug Jar that I made in Kindergarten!! 

I found an insect that looked like a leaf and a cricket!  My dad helped me research it and I learned that it’s called a Katydid!  That’s crazy!!  I also found out that they can be called a long-horned grasshopper or bush cricket!

I learned that Katydids can be green, yellow, or pink!  How cool is that?  A pink Katydid!! 

  I hope I can find one some day. 

Katydids live all over the world except Antarctica.  

I found this Katydid living on a tree in my back yard. 
I wanted to keep it for a little while but I had to let it back out into the world.  They don’t live very long.

It was exciting to watch him walk back into the woods! 

Learning something new everyday!!

July 28, 2016

South Carolina

I went to Myrtle Beach with my family and had so much fun!  I love spending time with my family.  I was able to see my uncles and aunts and my beautiful cousin Jasmine.  Her name is the same as the princess in Aladdin. 

We celebrated my Nana’s birthday too!  My Nana loves going in the ocean as much as I do!

I found lots of seashells in the sand.  My Tia Ashley and Chelsea helped me build a sandcastle! 

We went to a place called “House of Blues”.  They had some really cool art on the walls!  They even had shoes on the wall!! 

 Going to the beach wasn’t even on my list of things to do this summer but I’m sure glad we went! 

I can’t wait to go back again!  

What’s your favorite beach to visit?

July 13, 2016

DIY Summer Fun

Summer Fun Flip Flops

Hey Guys!
I love the summer time!  It might be my favorite time of year.  Well, no, Christmas is my favorite time of year!  I still love summer!  I have been busying making all types of crafts.  Making this DIY Flip Flop was the best.  I even had enough stuff leftover to share with my friend Zharia!  She made a pair for herself! 
They turned out great!

They were really easy to make!  I want to use some stickers next time I make them.  I’ll save it for next summer. 

 I hope you get a chance to turn your boring flip flops into something special!

July 7, 2016

Summer Fun Popsicles!!

Beat the Heat!! 
Hey Guys!
I have been staying cool by doing many different things!  My favorite is swimming in the pool or going to the waterpark!  We found another way to stay cool this summer!  We made POPSICLES!!!  I love cooking and these were so easy to make.  My GiGi bought the popsicle molds last year from Michaels.  This was the first time we decided to use them and boy am I glad!

You should try making them!  Let me know how they turn out!!




July 2, 2016

Independence Day

H A P P Y  

I hope you have a great time with your family during this weekend.  Will you go and see some fireworks or will you have fireworks in your backyard?  Hey guys, remember to stay safe during the fireworks!  I made some sweet treats for the holidays.  Check out my DIY Fourth ofJuly treats.  You should try making them and let me know how they taste.  I thought they were delicious! 
Don't mind me, I'm just taste testing
People celebrate the Fourth of July because July 4, 1776, is the day that represents the Declaration of Independence and the birth of the United States of America as an independent nation.  Even though we think of freedom on this day, many people were not free.  I learned about Juneteeth (June 19, 1865)  last month.  Here are some great books to learn more about it!


Look for these titles to help you learn more about Juneteeth like I did!  


June 29, 2016


I just found out that I’m going to have a baby brother or sister soon!  I’m so excited!  I always wanted to be a Big Sister.  The new baby will be here in December.  I’ll let you know if it’s a boy or a girl.  I really want a baby sister…really, really, really, really, really, bad.

June 28, 2016

My Mom's Birthday!

Hi Guys!

It was a very exciting day today!  It was my mom’s birthday and we have tons of fun!  We took her shopping.  I went shopping too!  I earned enough points doing my chores to get my Num Noms.  

My Papa sent me some money to buy more fish for my tank.  Two of my fish died and then I only had three.  I bought two more fish from PetSmart and named them Big Papa and Little Papa.  Aren’t they cute?
Hmmm...so many choices.
I'm so excited about getting new fish!


I hope my mom enjoyed her birthday because I sure did!!!
What do you like to do on your birthday (or your mom's)?

June 20, 2016

Exciting Day!!!

I have been enjoying my summer so far.  Yesterday was an extra special day!   It was Father's Day, Juneteenth, and my GiGi's birthday!  We had a lot to celebrate.
My mom and my Tias took my GiGi to the Atlanta History Center for a Juneteenth celebration.  I didn't even know what that meant before, but now I do.  

One of the staff members put on a one-man show about a Slave who created beautiful pieces of pottery. His name was Dave. Dave was a slave who learned how to read and write. When he  started to make the pottery he would sign his name and write a short poem on the side of the pottery. I could not read what he wrote on the pottery, because it was written in something called cursive. There was a note in the showcase and I could read that. My GiGi bought the book for me because I did not think it was a true story. There are many things I still don't know
about history but I love learning about new and old things. So many things are different now.


You can check out my DIY Tie-Dye shirt I made for my Dad on Youtube.  Now that was plenty of fun to make.  It was messy and GiGi said that we should probably do it outside next time.  But boy was it fun to make!   You have to try it!  We are going to make a shirt for me next time with some of my favorite colors.  I'll let you know how that turns out.


Can't you tell I'm excited!?!? 

I think the shirt turned out great!  
                                                  I think my dad really liked it too!

This was the best day ever!

June 7, 2016

10 Things I Want To Do This Summer

  1.  Help GiGi plant flowers
I help my GiGi plant flowers every year.  She said that I’m getting better at it.  I will help her pick out some of the plants.  We will grow some tomatoes this year, but I won’t eat them. 

  2.  Make lots of Bubbles
I love to have a bubble party outside.  Zoe does not like it when I blow bubbles in her face but she still lets me.

  3.  Create Summer Crafts
I love making the crafts and projects that I find on Pinterest.  It’s so much fun!  When I start to Pin things my GiGi says, “When will we have time to do that?”   I just tell her we will have time! 

  4.  Help GiGi clean
I know this doesn’t sound like a lot of fun, but GiGi gives me ice cream whenever I help her.  So it works for me.

  5.  Dance Party
I can do lots of moves.  I learned some from my GiGi but I already just knew a lot of moves. 

  6.   Buy new books
I can learn more if I had some new books

  7. Go camping
I’ve never been camping before.  I want to know what it feels like and have fun and how it’s going to be.

  8. Play in the sprinkler or the pool
It makes me feel like I’m in summer fun days and I won’t forget about my old school

  9. Buy some new clothes
I’m getting taller and taller and my clothes are starting to get small. 

  10.    Take pictures
I don’t have my own camera but my family will let me use their cellphones.  Cellphones take really nice pictures.